Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ducks and Bubble Wrap

It has been over 2 months since we moved to the new flat but it was only last weekend that I unpacked my rubber duckies. One of my friends (thanks, Oli!) sent them from Chicago as a thank you for a favor that I did for him (I don't even remember what it was, but hey, that's what friends are for). Incidentally, Oli sells these ducks along with soap, candles and other bathroom products at Soak. As far as I know, they only deliver to addresses in the United States but if you want to buy something from them, give me a shout and I'm sure we can work things out.

I received the package before we moved out from the old flat which had a bathtub. Unfortunately, at the new flat, we only have a standing shower so there really isn't enough space to display the entire flotilla.

So I had to choose which ones to display in the limited space in the bathroom. I ended up choosing just 3 devil ducks, the big one even glows in the dark!

They were, of course, wrapped in the ubiquitous bubble wrap and true enough, I couldn't stop myself from popping the bubbles. This was late at night, so there I was, popping until I was so exhausted I had to go to sleep.

I'm not sure what it is about bubble wrap that makes them so irresistible; what I am sure about is that I am not the only one that shares this fetish sentiment. So for fellow bubble wrap-a-holics out there, feast your eyes upon the Bubble Calender, a poster-sized calendar with a bubble to pop every day.

Now back to the ducks. Thousands of them have been floating around in the ocean for over a decade.

Now if only we get this kind of pollution in the beaches here in Hong Kong.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. It's been a while since I've been to your site! Thanks for writing about the ducks!